Pranic Healing®

Pranic Psychotherapy®

Non-Touch Energy Psychotherapy


What is Pranic Healing® ?

Pranic Healing® is a no- touch energy healing modality developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Prana means life-force (invisible bio-energy or vital energy) in Sanskrit equivalent to Qi (Qi Gong), and Ki (Aikido).  Pranic Healing utilizes the principles that the body is able to heal itself. Pranic Healing helps accelerate the healing process by rebalancing physical and emotional components of energy life force. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui has built a cook book approach in which he has conducted tons of research and experiments on each specific physical emotional ailment with clairvoyance.   Pranic Healing utilizes 11 major chakras which influence the important functions of the body and mind, and other minor & mini chakras, all of which are equivalent to each acupuncture points. The cook book covers a numbers of physical and psychological symptoms from minor ailments and severe symptoms. 

A pranic healer cleanses negative energy out of chakras by scraping it with an energy glove on the hands without touching your body. After removing it completely, the healer energizes those cleansed chakras with fresh energy coming down from external life force in nature (air, earth, Sun, and divine energy). 


What is Pranic Psychotherapy® ?

Pranic psychotherapy is an advanced technique of Pranic healing. It focuses more on removing negative emotions, thoughts and other negative components that contribute to your psychological ailments from chakras. Each chakra takes on a particular emotional and psychological energy. Removing negative emotional and psychological energy from chakra helps your mental stability. 

Pranic Psychotherapy works well on a variety of psychological symptoms including daily stress, irritability, anger, anxiety, grief, hysteria, sexual impotence, depression, paranoia, addiction (smoking, alcohol and drug), phobia, trauma, obsessions and compulsions, and ADHD.


Sample structure of  Pranic Psychotherapy

1 – sit down

2 – use a simple affirmation or prayer to be more receptive to the healing.

3 – keep your tongue on the palate which help your energy circulate in the entire energy system.

4 – I will work on your aura, chakras corresponding to your symptoms and physical organs corresponding to your symptoms while you are sitting down, keeping the tongue on the palate. 

5 – Check in after the session and measure the improvement.

6 – Avoid taking a shower for 12 to 24 hours since energy is still working on you. 


Benefits of Pranic Psychotherapy 

1 – release negative energies such as stress, emotions, thoughts, and belief. These energies include anger, anxiety, betrayal, depression, despair, distrust, fear, frustration, guilt, hallucination, irritation, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, phobia, poverty consciousness, resentment, stress, and worries.

2 – release symptoms of addiction.

3 – experience positive thoughts, and emotions

4 – allow all chakras and energy system back to function normally and bring sizes of 11 major chakras and other minor chakras back to normal sizes.

5 – cut out all negative cords from other people.



Here are a few YouTube video about Pranic Healing® 

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California, U.S.A.

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Mon – Fri: 9 am – 7 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm

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